Barton Haven plaque
- August 4, 2020 2:55 pm
- By cannon303

The first known record of a ferry crossing the Humber estuary dates from 1315 when the Warden and Burgesses of Kingston upon Hull were granted a charter by King Edward the Second to run a ferry service between Kingston upon Hull and Barton’s West bank. Travellers on foot were charged a halfpenny each, while horses were charged at one penny and a cart with two horses twopence.
The Corporation of Hull purchased the lease for £3,000 in 1796 and continued to operate the service until 1851 where it was replaced by a service between Hull and New Holland slightly further along the bank of the Humber.

If you want to check out Barton Haven and the ferry landing then maybe visit for more information and pictures.
Pictures are © Copyright Ian S and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.