Barton links and resources
Below is a list of useful links to local websites in Barton upon Humber and surrounding areas. If you don’t see a link here that you think should be included then contact us and let us know.
Barton and District History Group and District History Group promotes the advancement of public education through the study of local history through collection, preservation, storage and display of photographic, written and other archival material relating to the social history of Barton on Humber and the surrounding area.
Wilderspin National School by English Heritage as “One of the most important schools in England” for its unique links with the leading educational pioneer Samuel Wilderspin.
Ropewalk Museum Ropewalk Museum pays tribute to the history of the rope making factory, Hall’s Barton Ropery, dates back to between 1800 and 1803 with the building of a “modern” rope works, including the characteristic “walk” on the site after Thomas Hall and his son William purchased land on the east side of Barton Haven.
Ted Lewis based novelist Edward (Ted) Lewis changed the face of British Noir with his hard-boiled crime novels including Get Carte and two frank semi-autobiographical works. A highly skilled graphic artist, he managed innovative animation on The Beatles, Yellow Submarine and was also a talented Jazz pianist.